各有关单位: 为进一步做好规划信息化工作,推动城市数字化转型,中国城市规划协会将于2024年10月17日-18日在福建省厦门市召开“中国城市规划协会信...
英文标题:Water System Space Construction in Urban Design of Small Towns: Taking the Urban Design of Shigang New Town in Tongzhou District of Nantong City as an Example
张彬彬 上海市规划和自然资源局干部学校教研科副科长,城乡规划工程师
马建伟 云南省节能监察中心高级工程师
戴俊峰 上海咫绘规划建筑设计有限公司规划所所长
摘要 在生态文明建设的时代背景下,针对国内水系空间研究主要集中在大中城市而小城镇相关研究相对较少的现实情况,本文以南通石港镇新镇区设计为案例,聚焦长三角平原地区小城镇水系空间,探索小城镇水系空间营造问题,从水生态系统、文化内涵、滨水景观和滨水功能四个方面着手,提出小城镇水网的合理组织、水体自身的水体功能划分和净水措施,探索水系与城镇布局及空间形态有机结合的思路,在开发利用滨水空间的实践中寻找城镇空间魅力。
关键词 小城镇水系空间;水生态;文化融合;滨水景观;滨水功能
Abstract Under the background of the construction of ecological civilization, considering that the research on water system space in China is mainly concentrated in large and medium-sized cities while the related research in small towns is relatively few, this paper took the design of Shigang New Town in Nantong City as an example, focusing on the water system space of small towns in the Yangtze River Delta Plain to explore the construction of water system space of small towns from four aspects, namely, water ecosystem, cultural connotation, waterfront landscape and waterfront function. On the basis of these discussion, this paper proposed strategies for the reasonable organization of water network, water body function division and water purification measures, and a new way of thinking of organic combination of water system and urban layout and spatial form. In addition, this paper proposed the way to seek the charm of urban space in the practice of developing and utilizing waterfront space.
Keywords small towns water system space; water ecology; cultural integration; waterfront landscape; waterfront function