

英文标题:Can Green Belt Limit Urban Expansion: From Perspective of Population Change to Analyze London Green Belt's Function


张梦琪 重庆市规划设计研究院城乡发展战略研究所专业技术人员,武汉大学城市设计学院在职研究生
黄经南 武汉大学城市设计学院副院长、副教授(通讯作者)
邓丽 重庆市规划设计研究院城乡发展战略研究所专业技术人员


摘要 绿带被认为是控制城市扩张的有效手段,并在国内外诸多大城市的规划中广泛运用,但是对于绿带在限制城市扩张中的作用一直存在争议。以往的研究常常只强调绿带限制城市用地扩展的有效性,而很少有从人口密度的角度对其限制城市扩张的有效性进行评价。本文通过对不同时期伦敦不同地区人口变化状况的研究,发现伦敦绿带建设过程中人口相关策略对绿带有效性的发挥有着重要作用,最终促成了伦敦绿带成功限制城市扩张的效果。这一过程对我国大城市的绿带建设以及相关城市开发边界的划定,均具有借鉴意义。

关键词 绿带;伦敦;城市扩张;人口变化


Abstract Green belt has been widely regarded as an effective measure to control urban expansion, which has been used in many metropolises at home and abroad. However, There is continuing debate as to how effective the green belt is in restriction of the expansion of cities. Most research studied green belt on its restraining urban land expansion, however, there is lack of research on green belt’s effect from the perspective of population density. This paper explored the green belt of London at various stages and the population changes in different area. It was found that population policy has played an important role in the whole process of building London Green Belt. Such strategy of green belt in London can lend reference to the construction of green belt in metropolises In China.

Keywords green belt; London; urban expansion; population change


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.5
