遗产地保护利用全流程实施的“DIBO 方案”——以景德镇河东老城工业遗产保护利用系列项目为例


中文标题:遗产地保护利用全流程实施的“DIBO 方案”——以景德镇河东老城工业遗产保护利用系列项目为例
英文标题:The "DIBO Approach" Implemented Throughout the Entire Process of Heritage Site Conservation and Utilization Complete: A Case Study on Jingdezhen Hedong Old Town Industrial Heritage Conservation and Utilization Series Projects


张杰  全国工程勘察设计大师,清华大学建筑学院教授,北京建筑大学建筑与城乡规划学院院长
刘岩  清华同衡规划院副总规划师,遗产保护与城乡发展研究中心副主任
魏炜嘉  北京水木青文化运营机构总经理


摘要 不论是在遗产保护利用理论研究中,还是在城市更新实际工作中,规划的落地问题和规划原则的实施问题,都是多年来城乡规划建设领域的痛点。跨行业、跨领域地解决问题,是多年来规划建设行业已经达成的共识,但一直难以适用的行之有效的途径与方法。项目团队在景德镇工业遗产保护利用系列项目中探索的从规划设计到投资、建造、运营一体化、全流程实施的“DIBO 方案”,或许是破解上述难题的方法之一。

关键词 DIBO,保护利用,规划实施,全流程,运营


Abstract In the theoretical study of heritage protection and utilization or in the actual work of urban renewal, the implementation of planning and its principles have been pain points in the field of urban and rural planning and construction for many years. Cross-industry and cross-domain problem solving is a consensus that has been reached in the planning and construction industry for many years, but it has been difficult to form effective ways and methods. This article summarizes the formation of the “DIBO Plan” from planning and design to investment, construction, operation, integration, and full-process implementation in the series of industrial heritage protection and utilization projects in Jingdezhen. This may be one of the ways to solve the above-mentioned problems.

Keywords DIBO, conservation and utilization, planning implementation, complete process, operation


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.1/2
