

英文标题:Research on the Optimization of the Collaborative Utilization Mechanism of Existing Urban and Rural Construction Land Embedded in New Space Governance


谭迎辉 复旦大学城市规划与发展研究中心副研究员
苏海龙 复旦大学城市规划与发展研究中心常务副主任,教授级高级规划师(通讯作者)谢尚进 菲尔德大学建筑学院城市设计硕士研究生


摘要 城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策自 2008 年实施以来,对促进存量城乡建设用地协同优化发挥了重要的作用,是各地探索城乡统筹发展的工具内核,但也带来了不少负面问题。随着国家各项改革措施的不断深化,尤其是统一的城乡建设用地市场的建立,使得城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策的实施环境发生了重大变化,该政策体现的“增加国有建设用地与减少集体建设用地相挂钩”的价值导向,既不符合当前改革的方向,也无法纳入新的空间治理体系。在新的国土空间规划体系下,促进存量城乡建设用地优化的途径是否应从当前的依托政策工具转向依靠治理体系?本文尝试以更好地促进空间结构优化及空间高质量发展为目标,聚焦提升地方空间治理效能,在国土空间规划体系的新框架下,传承与创新原国土资源部的政策经验,探索嵌入新空间治理导向的存量城乡建设用地的协同利用机制,以适应乡村地区由“卖地模式”向“经营模式”转变。

关键词 城乡建设用地增减挂钩,权益挂钩,零存整取,全域综合整治,成片综合开发,存量城乡建设用地协同利用机制


Abstract Since the implementation of the policy of increase and decrease link-up of urban and rural construction land in 2008, it has played an important role in promoting the coordinated optimization of existing urban and rural construction land, and is the tool core for exploring the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, but it has also brought many negative problems.With the deepening of various national reform measures, especially the establishment of a unified urban and rural construction land market, the implementation environment of the policy of increase and decrease link-up of urban and rural construction land has undergone major changes. The value orientation of "linking the increase of state-owned construction land with the reduction of collective construction land" embodied in this policy is not in line with the current reform direction, nor can it be incorporated into the new spatial governance system. Under the new land spatial planning system, should the way to promote the optimization of existing urban and rural construction land be changed from the current policy tools to the governance system? In this paper, we try to better promote the optimization of spatial structure and high-quality development of space, focus on improving the efficiency of local spatial governance, inherit and innovate the policy experience of the former Ministry of Land and Resources under the new framework of land spatial planning system, and explore the cooperative utilization mechanism of existing urban and rural construction land embedded with the new spatial governance orientation, so as to adapt to the transformation of rural areas from "sales mode" to "operate mode" .

Keywords the policy of increase and decrease link-up of urban and rural construction land, equity linkage, scattered deposit and lump-sum withdrawal, comprehensive improvement of the whole region, comprehensive development of complete area, collaborative utilization mechanism of existing urban and rural construction land


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.1/2
