

英文标题:Advances on Land-sea Coordination Territorial Spatial Planning Research


熊国 平东南大学建筑学院副教授
沈天意 东南大学建筑学院硕士研究生


摘要 陆海统筹国土空间规划成为沿海各地正在开展的国土空间规划的重要内容,但是理论和实践还相当匮乏,本研究通过国内外理论和实践回顾,归纳进展,找出不足,并对陆海统筹国土空间规划进行展望,指出统一陆海技术标准、统一陆海分界线、统一陆海空间布局是陆海统筹国土空间规划中急需解决的重点任务。

关键词 陆海统筹;国土空间规划;海岸带


Abstract The land-sea coordination has become an important part of territorial spatial planning in coastal areas, but there are inadequate theoretical research and practices. This study reviewed the theory and practice both at home and abroad, summarized the progress, figured out the shortcomings and prospects of the land-sea coordination territorial spatial planning, and proposed that unified land-sea technical standards, unified land-sea boundaries, unified land-sea spatial planning are the critical missions in land-sea coordination territorial spatial planning.

Keywords land-sea coordination; territorial spatial planning; coastal zone


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.4
