

英文标题:Exploration of Land-sea Coordination Approaches in the New Era: Taking Shandong Province as an Example


徐文洁 山东省城乡规划设计研究院有限公司高级工程师
徐永臣 中国海洋大学博士研究生,工程师(通讯作者)


摘要 国土空间规划全面构建的新时代背景下,落实陆海统筹是国土空间规划编制的重点内容,也是实现生态文明、绿色发展的必然要求。文章以山东省为例,剖析陆海统筹发展的一系列问题,从空间格局、产业发展、生态保护与环境治理、基础设施建设、管理体制等方面,探索在国土空间规划中陆海统筹的重点内容,总结陆海统筹的实现路径,以期为其他沿海地区国土空间规划的陆海统筹实践提供借鉴。

关键词 陆海统筹;国土空间规划;新时代


Abstract In the new era of comprehensive spatial planning, implementing land-sea coordination is the key as well as the necessary requirement of ecological civilization and ecological development in the coastal area. Taking Shandong province as an example, this paper combed the existing problems of land-sea coordination and explored the key contents of land-sea coordination in spatial planning from the following aspects of spatial pattern, industrial development, ecological protection and environmental governance, and infrastructure construction and management system. Besides, this paper summarized the implementation approaches of land-sea coordination so as to provide references for the land-sea coordination practice of spatial planning in other coastal areas.

Keywords land-sea coordination; territorial spatial planning; new era


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.4
