

英文标题:Construction and Application of the Conceptual Model of One Map of Land-sea Coordination under Territorial Spatial Planning System: Taking Guangzhou City as an Example


代欣召 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院高级工程师
陈首序 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院助理工程师
王建军 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院规划研究中心主任
朱寿佳 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院工程师


摘要 在建立国土空间规划体系及实施陆海统筹战略的指引下,本文以广州市为例,构建了“三层三类两系统”的陆海统筹“一张图”概念模型,并探讨其在陆海统一信息库的构建与动态更新、陆海统筹度的评价与监测,以及支撑海岸带综合管理等方面的实际应用,为沿海城市实施陆海统筹战略和海岸带综合管理提供政策工具。

关键词 陆海统筹;一张图;概念模型;广州市


Abstract Under the guidance of the relevant policies for the construction of the territorial spatial planning system and the strategy of land-sea coordination, Guangzhou city was taken as an example to build a conceptual model of “one map” of land-sea coordination with three levels, three categories and two systems. Furthermore, this research studied the application of “one map” in the construction and dynamic update of the land-sea coordination information database, the evaluation and supervision of the coupling coordination of land-sea system, and the contribution to support the integrated coastal area management, etc. This study will provide not only technical reference of the land-sea coordination but also practical experience of coastal planning and management for other cities.

Keywords land-sea coordination; one map; conceptual model; Guangzhou city


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.4
