


文章英文名称:A Comprehensive Comparative Study of China's Urbanization Development from Asian Perspective



敖宁谦  贵阳市城乡规划设计研究院规划师

黄经南  武汉大学城市设计学院副院长、副教授(通讯作者)


摘要  改革开放以来,我国城镇化发展迅猛,但各界对我国城镇化速度和质量等的认知却并不一致。文章选取了与我国城镇化进程较为一致的部分亚洲国家,包括韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、印度尼西亚及印度,从城镇化水平与速度,城镇化质量,城镇化质量与城镇化水平耦合协调度,城镇化与工业化、非农化关系,城镇化进程中的经济成效及经济效率五个维度,对各国 1960 年至2015 年的城镇化发展进行横向和纵向的对比,从而全面地认识我国的城镇化。结果表明,我国城镇化发展并非高速;城镇化质量发展滞后,城镇化水平呈现“虚高” 现象;城镇化质量与城镇化水平耦合协调度较低;城镇化发展始终滞后于工业化发展;经济成效显著,但经济效率低下。文章最后提出对未来我国城镇化发展的启示,以期促进我国城镇化更加持续、健康发展。


关键词 城镇化质量,耦合协调度,亚洲国家,经济效率,综合指标


Abstract Since the reform and opening-up in the late 1970s, China has undergone the great urbanization. However, people from all walks of life have different understandings on the speed and quality of urbanization in China. This paper compares China’s urbanization with some Asian countries with similar urbanization trajectory, including South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and India from the perspective of the urbanization speed, urbanization quality, the degree of coupling coordination between urbanization level and urbanization quality, urbanization and industrialization, non-agricultural relations, the economic effect and economic efficiency from 1960 to 2015. Horizontal and vertical comparison is carried out for a comprehensive understanding. The results show that the speed of China's urbanization is not the fastest, and the quality lags behind other countries. China has a low degree of the coupling coordination between urbanization level and quality. In addition, China's urbanization always lags behind the industrialization and non-agricultural development. The economy has achieved remarkable results with low efficiency. On this basis, this paper proposes the enlightenment to China's urbanization in the future so as to promote the sustainable and healthy development of China's urbanization.


Keywords urbanization quality, Asian countries, degree of coupling coordination, economic efficiency, composite indicator
