


文章英文名称:High-density Plot Urban Renewal under the Demand of Diverse Interests



徐曙光  舟山规划建筑设计研究院有限公司院长,正高级工程师,国家一级注册建筑师

胡钫盈  舟山市规划建筑设计研究院有限公司创研中心副主任,高级工程师

张宇航  上海复旦规划建筑设计研究院有限公司规划四所一室主创规划师


摘要  本文以高密度城市更新项目为研究对象,针对东部沿海高密度城市更新中存在的人地矛盾突出、社会需求多元、利益矛盾复杂、公共服务不足等问题,提出高密度城市更新应注重从规划到建设的整体考虑,基于协调机制进行多元利益需求平衡,基于区域统筹考虑进行功能业态植入,基于空间复合利用进行空间形态塑造和外部场所环境营造,以打造高品质的城市空间环境。


关键词 高密度城市更新,多元利益需求,空间复合利用


Abstract This paper takes the urban renewal project as the research object, aiming at plenty of problems existing in high-density urban renewal, such as prominent contradiction between man and land, diversified social needs, complex interest conflicts, lagging public services and so on. This paper proposes that we should pay more attention to the overall consideration from planning to construction in high-density urban renewal project, and carry out the coordination of multiple interest demands based on the coordination mechanism, the integration of functional formats based on the overall consideration of regions, the shaping of spatial forms and the creating of external environment based on the composite utilization of space, to create a high-quality urban space environment.


Keywords high-density urban renewal, multi-interest demand, space composite utilization
