

英文标题:Research on Needs and Features of Regulatory Plan Adjustment: Based on Statistics and Analysis of Project Elements


衣霄翔 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院,寒地城乡人居环境科学与技术工业和信息化部重点实验室副教授
肖飞宇 上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司规划师


摘要 为揭示控制性详细规划调整的复杂性,并在一定程度上反映其对城市开发建设的影响,文章对控制性详细规划调整的普遍需求及特征展开实证研究。以我国某省会城市 2011 年 159 项控规调整案例为基础,首先,通过对项目要素包括背景性要素、理由性要素和技术性要素的梳理与统计,在一定程度上呈现控规调整项目的整体状况和普遍需求;其次,通过量化和交叉分析对控规调整的需求及特征进行深入研究,由此总结一些普遍性规律和突出特征;最后,借助统计分析数据,对控规调整实际作用与影响展开深入探讨和反思。

关键词 控制性详细规划,控规调整,项目要素,调整理由,调整内容


Abstract With a view to reveal the complexity of regulatory plan adjustment and to some extent reflect its impact on urban development and construction, an empirical study on the general needs and characteristics of regulatory plan adjustment is carried out. This paper is based on 159 regulatory plan adjustment cases in a provincial capital city of China in 2011. First of all, the paper presents, to a certain extent, the overall situation and general needs of the regulatory plan adjustment projects by combing and counting the project elements, including background elements, rational elements and technical elements. Secondly, the paper goes into the needs and features of regulatory plan adjustment through quantitative and cross-over analysis, and thereby finds out some general laws and prominent features. Finally, by virtue of statistical analysis data, the paper explores and reflects the actual effect and impact of the regulatory plan adjustment.

Keywords regulatory detailed planning, regulatory plan adjustment, project elements, reasons for adjustment, adjustment contents


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.1/2
