

英文标题:The Spatial Impact of the New Retail Environment on the Transformation and Development of the Physical Market


杜宁睿 武汉大学城市设计学院副教授
武艺 武汉大学城市设计学院硕士研究生
王国恩 武汉大学城市设计学院教授


摘要 “新零售”是依托大数据、云计算,融合线上、线下和物流为一体的新的销售业态,在此环境下,实体市场的空间需求发生了相应变化。如何在消费升级时代提升用户的服务体验,扩大竞争优势,对于实体市场而言,迎来了新的发展机遇和挑战。为探索“新零售”环境对实体市场空间发展的影响,本文梳理了传统实体市场的交易模式和空间需求,进而分析“新零售”环境下实体市场的交易特征及空间响应;通过实地调研,对比分析武汉市新、旧两代实体市场,即汉正街和汉口北国际商品交易中心,探讨“新零售”环境下实体市场的空间变化特点,进而提出未来实体市场的规划响应策略。

关键词 新零售,实体市场,空间需求


Abstract "New retail" is a new sales format that integrates online, offline and logistics based on big data and cloud computing. Under the circumstances, the spatial demand of the physical market has changed accordingly. How to improve the user experience and expand competitive advantage in the era of consumption upgrading brings new opportunities and challenges to the physical market. To explore the impact of new retail environment to the spatial development of the real market, this paper firstly summarized the patterns of the traditional physical market trading and its spatial requirements. Then, the characteristics of the new trading model and their spatial response of the physical market are analyzed. Through the on-the-spot investigation, Han Zhengjie and Hankou International Commodity Trading Center in Wuhan were selected as the empirical study. These two markets, representing the old and new ones, were analyzed comparatively to explore the new characteristics and the new trend of spatial requirements under the new retail environment. The corresponding spatial strategies were finally put forward for the future development of the physical market.

Keywords the new retail, physical market, space requirement


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.1/2
