理想的坚持与方法的探索—上海市城市总体规划和建设发展 70 年


文章中文名称:理想的坚持与方法的探索—上海市城市总体规划和建设发展 70 年

文章英文名称:Perseverance in Achieving Ambitions and Exploring Methods: Shanghai’s Urban Master Planning and Development in 70 Years



王 剑  上海市城市规划设计研究院高级工程师,上海市城市规划行业协会常务副秘书长兼研究室主任

熊鲁霞  原上海市城市规划设计研究院总规划师,教授级高工

黄吉铭  原上海市城市规划设计研究院副院长,教授级高工


摘要:  中华人民共和国成立 70 年来,上海取得了举世瞩目的成就,城市总体规划在统筹协调社会经济环境、引领城市空间有序发展方面发挥了重要作用。本文梳理了上海在改革开放前后两个历史时期历版城市总体规划的背景、规划要点和实施等内容。在此基础上,总结提出上海在落实和服务国家战略、“有机疏散、组合城市”的发展模式、中心城“多心开敞、楔形绿地、环城绿带”的空间布局结构、保障民生和提升品质、规划管理体制机制的建立完善,以及规划方法的创新探索六个方面的发展成效,充分体现了总体规划始终坚持引领城市发展的实践历程。


关键词:  上海,城市总体规划,理想,方法,建设发展,70 年


Abstract:  On the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, Shanghai’s rise has been impressive by many standards. The urban master plan plays a crucial role in coordinating the socio-economic progress and guiding orderly development in this urban environment. This paper provides an overview of Shanghai’s planning background, planning points and planning implementation before and after the reform and opening up. The paper has then identified six aspects of Shanghai's persistence in serving the national strategy, developing the mode of "satellite cities to metropolitan area"of central city, framing the spatial layout structure of "cluster development, green wedge urbanism, and the surrounding greenbelt", improving residents' living standards and quality, establishing and improving urban management system, as well as exploring planning methods innovatively. Overall, the paper reflects Shanghai’s evolution in planning practices that leads the urban growth.


Keywords: Shanghai, urban master planning, ambition, methodology, construction and development, 70 years
