


文章英文名称:Optimization of Fuzhou Urban Landscape under the "Double Urban Repair"



高飞 中国城市规划设计研究院风景园林和景观研究分院园林城市与景观规划研究所所长

张斌 中国城市规划设计研究院风景园林和景观研究分院园林城市与景观规划研究所规划师

吴雯 中国城市规划设计研究院风景园林和景观研究分院综合办公室主任


摘要  随着“城市双修”工作的推进,不同城市之间的差异化需求也逐渐显现。福州市城市景观风貌本底良好,近年来开展的一系列关于城市景观风貌优化的工作也取得了较好的效果。但是,城市的快速发展也给城市风貌带来许多负面的问题。面对“城市双修”实施性、时效性和示范性的要求,如何有效地解决现存问题并展现出福州的山水人文风貌,是本次福州“城市双修”工作中城市景观风貌优化专项实施的关键。


关键词  城市双修,景观风貌,福州市


Abstract  With the "double urban repair"(city betterment and ecological restoration) work progresses, the different demand between different cities has gradually emerged. Fuzhou city has a good background in urban landscape. In recent years, a series of work on urban landscape optimization has achieved good results. However, due to the rapid development of the city, many problems about urban scenes have also been raised. These remaining urban style problems are “difficult bones”. Faced with the implementation, timeliness and exemplary requirements of “double urban repair”, how to effectively solve the existing problems and show the human landscape of Fuzhou is the key to the optimization of urban landscape in Fuzhou City.


Keywords  Double Urban Repair, urban landscape, Fuzhou City
