

Strategic Environmental Assessment Based on Different Models of Urban Planning
作者中文名:潘茂华 陈丹莹 包存宽
PAN Maohua;CHEN Danying;BAO Cunkuan




This paper summarizes the three key features of urban planning model—comprehensive urban planning, incremental urban planning and advocacy urban planning based on the theory, the academic thought, social practice, the key issues of urban planning and so on. Then, this article put forward three corresponding strategic environmental impact assessment models(SEA)-Comprehensive SEA, Interactive SEA and Corporative SEA. Comprehensive SEA, as an important component of urban planning, should get involved in the early stage to participate in decisive making ofthe major problems, such as the function orientation setting and the development of the city and the outlay of the city. And at the same time, it provides environmental dates for the key steps or contents of the urban planning. In the process of urban planning,Interactive SEA focuses on the fully interactive communication and the feedback of the information in time and should carry out realtime evaluation. Corporative SEA should actively promote the communication of all departments, the participation of the public and the timely feedback of all kinds of information and attend to all interest related groups as much as possible and make for the best of the whole community. Applying different SEA models to different urban planning models is conductive to the reasonable utilization of resources and the sustainable development.

中文关键词:城市规划;战略环境评价;可持续发展;综合理性规划;渐进主义规划;倡 导式规划

英文关键词:urban planning, strategic environmental assessment, sustainable develop, comprehensive urban planning, incremental urban planning, advocacy urban planning

