

文章英文名称:Research Progress on Urban Low-Carbon Index Evaluation         

作者中文名:尚丽 苏昕 汪鸣泉 王茂华 
作者英文名:SHANG Li;SU Xin;WANG Mingquan;WANG Maohua


全球人为源碳排放的70% 来自于城市,科学的城市低碳评价指标体系可以为城市碳减排指明方向。本文从与城市低碳发展相关的标准规范、评价体系的构建以及评价指标的应用三大方面,对城市低碳评价的指标体系进行梳理分析,发现:①我国城市生态发展相关的政策较为完善,但是专注于城市低碳领域的标准或指南体系尚未建立;②不同城市低碳评价的准则不相同,指标的选取各有侧重,导致城市之间低碳发展的可比性较差;③基于统计数据的城市低碳评价时效性相对滞后,且忽略了与城市碳排放空间相关的特征,已有评价体系较少包含时空信息的指标。最后,本文从政策完善、数据获取以及指标体系的构建等方面提出建议,为建立全国性城市低碳评价指标体系提供参考。在我国当前城市转型发展的宏观背景下,“生态修复、城市修补”的实践将有助于探索我国城市转型阶段的发展之路。本文以三亚实践为例,从城市发展建设的现状、“生态修复、城市修补”实施的策略及其工作启示三个层面来探求“城市双修”实施的路径。


The study of urban carbon emissions is significantly important as it accounts for 70% of global anthropogenic carbon emissions. The scientific urban low-carbon evaluation can specify the development direction of carbon emission reduction. This paper studies the index system of low-carbon evaluation from three aspects, which are the related standards of urban low-carbon development, the construction of evaluation system and the application of evaluation index. Several conclusions are achieved: ① The standards or guidance with a focus on low-carbon development have not been established, although the policies on urban ecological development have been relatively completed in China; ② The comparability of low-carbon development between cities is poor, mainly due to the difference in evaluation criteria and indicator selection; ③ The existing low carbon evaluation system, which is mainly based on statistical data, has defects on timeliness and spatial characteristics. There are fewer indicators containing temporal-spatial information in the current evaluation system. In the end, several suggestions have been proposed on the policy improvement, data acquisition and index system construction, aiming to provide references for the establishment of national index system on urban low-carbon evaluation.


英文关键词:low-carbon evaluation, indicator system, temporal-spatial information 

