英文标题:Regulatory Policy Sets Towards Balance of Public Interests and Individual Interests in Urban Regeneration: A Case of Shenzhen
岳隽 深圳市城市规划设计研究院有限公司教授级高级工程师
摘要 城市更新复合、多维的目标追求以及利益调整的必经过程,使得服务城市更新的政策设计需要在公共利益和个体利益的取舍中寻求平衡。本文以深圳市的城市更新为例,分析在城市更新中平衡公共利益和个体利益所需要的政策工具的构成及其使用要点。研究发现,在深圳市的城市更新运作过程中,基于改造模式协调的更新准入条件管控、基于公共贡献的产权重构模式探索,以及基于增值收益调节的地价计收规则探索是三个主要的利益调控手段。通过对产权门槛、土地(空间)贡献、规划容积、地价等多种政策工具的组合运用,构建有机、和谐的政策体系,可以有效地推动城市更新中公共利益和个体利益之间的博弈走向平衡。
关键词 公共利益;个体利益;利益平衡;城市更新;政策工具
Abstract Since urban regeneration has multiple dimensions of purpose and a necessary process of interest adjustment, its policy design should achieve a balance between public interests and individual interests. This paper sums up the benefit balancing mechanism of public interests and individual interests in the operation process of urban regeneration in Shenzhen. It includes three principal means of policy regulation: access conditions based on the coordination of restructuring modes; property rights confirming mode towards public contribution; payment of additional premium to enhancing land value increment distribution. To achieve this balance, a harmonious and organic policy system has to be formed which synthesizes the different guiding and control measures from land property management, contribution of land or space for public use, planning plot ratio, payment of additional premium etc.
Keywords public interests; individual interests; benefit balance; urban regeneration; policy sets
来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.5
内容来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网站 [详细]
2024年2月1日,中国城市规划协会向国家知识产权局推荐来自3家会员单位的发明专利参评第二十五届中国专... [详细]