


英文标题:A New Model of Existing Land Stock Development: The Research of LandReadiustment Planning and Policy Mechanism in Shenzhen


林   强   深圳市规划国土发展研究中心副总规划师,教授级高级工程师

李孟徽   深圳市规划国土发展研究中心规划师

李   茜   深圳市规划国土发展研究中心副主任规划师

胡淙涛   深圳市规划国土发展研究中心规划师

摘   要:以市场为主导的城市更新在提升土地利用效率、提高城市空间品质的同时,存在无法统筹解决土地历史遗留问题以及对重大基础设施支撑不够、空间碎片化等问题。本文重点围绕存量用地更新的新模式--政府主导的土地整备,通过分析其演进的历程,从政策基本原则、留用土地规则、土地整备单元规划制度、实施传导和多方协商机制等方面,阐述其设计的内在逻辑和创新内容,并对其规划与政策实践要点进行总结。

关 键 词:深圳;土地整备;政策研究;存量用地

Abstract Besides improving the efficiency of land use and the quality of urbanenvironment, urban regeneration led by the market has faced unsolved problems indealing with the land issue left over from history as well as land fragmentation, andsatisfying the land demand of the public infrastructure, etc. This article introduces a newmodel of urban regeneration which is designed for overcoming the dilemmas that urbanregeneration faced. Starting with the history of this new model, the policy logic andinnovations of this new model is exactly introduced, especially its land policy, planningmechanism and innovative points in the reshaping of land rights, restructuring of urbanspace, and optimization of implementation mechanisms. Finally the main points of thepolicy and its planning mechanism would be well-concluded.

Keywords Shenzhen; land readjustment; policy research; stock land
