中文标题:府际事权划分视角下的市域国土空间规划协调路径思考——以东莞市为例 *
英文标题:Thoughts on the Coordination Path of Territory Spatial Planning from the Perspective of Power Division: A Case Study of Dongguan
龚蔚霞 华南理工大学建筑学院,亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室博士研究生,广东省科学院广州地理研究所,广东省地理空间信息技术与应用公共实验室正高级工程师
周剑云 华南理工大学建筑学院,亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室教授
摘要 长期以来,我国空间治理体系中产生各种空间矛盾的深层次原因之一,在于规划事权的博弈冲突。面对新的国际、国内发展环境和国家治理现代化的要求, 2018 年,中央政府将空间规划职能一并划入新组建的自然资源部,通过重构国土空间规划体系,推动空间治理领域形成更清晰的制度化分权。由于我国市县发展条件差异大、行政管理模式不同、规划管理水平不一,因地制宜地探索差异化的地方治理模式十分有必要。东莞是目前全国五个采取“市—镇”行政体制的地级市之一,探索其府际关系下的市域空间规划协调思路,尤其是城市内部跨地区的空间治理方式,对于其他市县具有一定的启发意义。
关键词 府际关系;规划事权;规划协调;国土空间规划
Abstract For a long time, one of the deep causes of various spatial contradictions in China's spatial governance system lies in the game of planning rights. In the face of the new international and domestic development environment and the requirements of modernization of national governance the central government combined the function of spatial planning into the newly formed Ministry of Natural Resources in 2018, to promote a clearer institutionalization of decentralization in the field of spatial governance by reconstruting the spatial planning system. It is necessary to explore the differentiated local governance model according to local conditions due to the large difference of development conditions administrative management models and planning management levels of cities and counties. As Dongguan is one of the five cities in China adopting the administrative system of "city-town ", exploring the coordination path of territory spatial planning especially the strategy of cross-regional spatial governance within the city, will be of certain enlightening significance to other cities.
Keywords intergovernmental relations; planning routine power; coordinate; territory spatial planning
来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.5
内容来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网站 [详细]
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