


英文标题:The Spatial Structure Characteristics of Rural Areas in Metropolis: The Case of Shanghai


郝晋伟  上海大学上海美术学院建筑系讲师

摘  要  本文以上海为研究对象,采用LBS 和POI数据,从动态关联和静态功摘能两方面解析大都市周边乡村地域的空间结构特征,并对其优化策略进行探讨。研究发现,城乡就业中心的层级发育与关联带动是大都市周边乡村地域空间结构变动的重要因素,多种类型的乡村型就业中心对乡村地域空间结构的影响日渐突出,但其能级和内生性仍然较弱。在城乡就业中心的带动下,乡村地域出现了职住关联组团的空间分化与联系结构的多元化,包括依附型、网络型、走廊型、跳跃型、离散型等多种类型。此外,乡村中工业地块与休闲中心等功能区的发育也是促使乡村地域动态关联特征形成,并推动大都市周边乡村地域空间结构变动的重要力量。文章还就大都市周边乡村地域的空间结构优化提出了若干策略。

关 键 词 乡村空间结构;乡村重构;郊区;网络关联;LBS 画像数据

Abstract Taking rural Shanghai as an example, the paper explores the spatial structurecharacteristics of rural areas in Metropolis and discusses the spatial structure optimizationstrategies, through analysing the dynamic network connections and static function attributes.using LBS portrait and POl data. The results show that the hierarchical development anddriving of urban and rural job centres are important factors contributing to the dynamicspatial structure change of rural areas in Metropolis. Moreover, the influence of rural jobcentres derived from various causes is becoming increasingly prominent, but its level andendogeneity are still low. Driven by the urban and rural job centres, there are also spatialdifferentiation of job-housing clusters and diversification of contact structure in rural areas.including attachment type, network type, corridor type, jumping type and discrete type. Inaddition, the industrial areas and emerging leisure centres in rural areas are also importantforces to promote the development of network connections and the change of spatialstructure of rural areas in Metropolis. Finally, the paper puts forward some strategies tooptimize the spatial structure of rural areas in the metropolis.

Keywords rural spatial structure; rural restructuring; suburb; network connections; LBSportrait data
