英文标题:Construction and Evaluation of Wuhan Business Center Vitality Index System Based on Multivariate Big Data
胡冬冬 武汉市规划研究院副总规划师
周星宇 武汉市规划研究院规划师(通讯作者)
摘要 城市商业中心是一个城市的核心活力地区。本文利用手机信令、商业网点信息、刷卡消费和人群热力等多元大数据,对城市商业中心的活力展开两个方面的研究。第一,整合前人相关的经验,结合武汉市的实际情况,尝试构建基于多元大数据的武汉市商业中心活力特征评价体系,包括影响能力、设施活力、人口活力和消费活力四大类因子以及相应的二级因子;第二,以武汉市内 15 个商业中心为实际研究对象,按照上述评价体系,对各商业中心开展实际商业活力的评价并打分,分析各自的特征,期望能为相关规划和研究提供参考与借鉴。
关键词 大数据;商业中心活力;手机信令;商业网点信息;刷卡消费;人群热力
Abstract Urban business center is the core and dynamic area of a city. This paper uses multiple big data such as mobile phone signaling, commercial network information, card swiping consumption and crowd heat to study the vitality of urban commercial centers in two aspects. First, integrating relevant previous experience and combining with the actual situation of Wuhan, try to build a vitality characteristic evaluation system of Wuhan business center based on multiple big data, including four categories of factors such as influence capacity, facility vitality, population vitality and consumption vitality. Secondly, taking 15 business centers in Wuhan as the actual object, according to the above evaluation system, evaluate and score the actual business vitality of each business center, analyze their respective characteristics, and hope to provide reference for relevant planning and research.
Keywords big data; vitality of business center; mobile signaling; commercial network information; credit card consumption; crowd heat
来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.5
内容来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网站 [详细]