英文标题:The Enlightenment of Dutch Open-market to the Planning and Management of Vendor Space in China
黄经南 武汉大学城市设计学院副教授
余梦雅 武汉大学城市设计学院硕士研究生
摘要 在我国很多城市,摊贩空间管理一直是一道难题。在疫情之后地摊经济重掀浪潮的背景下,亟须反思目前我国摊贩空间规划管理普遍存在的误区与问题。本文分析了荷兰自由集市的发展历程与管理模式,总结了其正面回应摊贩等弱势群体的客观需求与空间权利,并积极维护摊贩内部形成的自我平衡与秩序等经验,建议我国在正视地摊及其文化属性的基础上,对不同类型的摊贩空间制定针对性的管理措施,并对城市不同区域采取符合其功能定位与发展需求的集中与分散相结合的自治管理模式。
关键词 自由集市;文化认同;空间权利;摊贩空间管理
Abstract The management of vendor space has always been a common problem in many cities in China. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus, there is a new wave of stall economy. It is urgent to reflect on the misunderstandings and problems in the existing planning and management of vendor space in China. This paper analyzed the development process and management mode of Dutch Open-market. Based on a positive response to the objective needs and space rights of vulnerable groups such as street vendors, as well as the maintenance of self-balance and order formed among the vendors, it is suggested that on the basis of respecting the street vendors and their cultural attributes, specific management measures should be formulated for different types of street vendors’ spaces, and the autonomous management mode that accords with the function orientation and development demand should be adopted for different regions of the city in China.
Keywords Open-market; cultural identification; space rights; vendor space management
来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.6
内容来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网站 [详细]
2024年2月1日,中国城市规划协会向国家知识产权局推荐来自3家会员单位的发明专利参评第二十五届中国专... [详细]