文章英文名称:Practice and Exploration of Mobile Phone Signaling Population Big Data in Smart Land Space Planning
李振军 智慧足迹数据科技有限公司总经理、执行董事
赵 华 智慧足迹数据科技有限公司副总经理
Abstract :Establishing the people-oriented principle and application is one important way to optimize national territory spatial planning in the new era. This paper seeks to understand national territory spatial planning from the perspective of big data. As a crucial tool for smart planning and smart governance, population big data supports the full and coverage of human and location elements. Mobile signaling data is the natural collector for population big data. Using scientific methods like data extrapolation can restore the distribution and travel matrix of the entire population, to functionally and spatially support multi-level smart planning services from national to local levels, and to provide effective means of monitoring and early warning to assist in improving land use efficiency.
Keywords :mobile signaling data, population, national territory spatial planning
内容来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网站 [详细]
2024年2月1日,中国城市规划协会向国家知识产权局推荐来自3家会员单位的发明专利参评第二十五届中国专... [详细]